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Player risk scores

General information

The Player Risk Score is a numerical indicator ranging from 0 to 100, assessing the risk level of a player. Scores from 0 to 30 indicate a player with minimal risk, while scores above 30 signify increasing levels of risk. The score is updated daily and is calculated using our internal algorithms, which may evolve over time. This score helps to quickly identify the risk profile of a player, aiding in making informed decisions.


  • Get risk scores by players: send a request with query parameters player_ids[]
  • Pagination by updated risk scores: send a request with query parameters after_id and updated_at_from of last element of previous response for correct iteration in next requests.

Typical use case for integration

  1. Initial sync - execute the request without parameters and then iterate according to step 2.
  2. After all the data is successfully synchronized, you can download updates once a day where updated_at_from=today-1 and then iterate according to pagination by updated risk scores.
