Markets Compilation
Market templates consist of a combination of static text and placeholders, encompassing both market and outcome names.
The compilation process for market templates entails replacing designated placeholders with specific values, all while retaining the static text.
This procedure results in the creation of a finalized market name and a comprehensive list of outcomes.
An example of sport event snapshot with market templates
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Static text
Static text remains unchanged during compilation and serves as static content that is fundamental to the structure and purpose of the template.
Please refrain from modifying or replacing permanent text.
Example of template with static text:
Winner – no need to change.
Example of market template with static text
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The template includes designated placeholders placed throughout the market and outcome names. These placeholders act as variables, which should be replaced with actual values to match templates with concrete sport events.
Steps for correct placeholder replacement:
- identify placeholders enclosed in curly brackets.
- replace placeholders with the actual information they represent.
Example of placeholder:
{$competior1} – need replace the actual name of the first competitor.
Example of market template with placeholder
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 |
Special symbols
To ensure accurate template compilation, it is imperative to explicitly establish the significance of special symbols.
Properly defining the interpretation of these symbols is essential for the seamless generation and processing of templates within the intended context.
List of special symbols and their meaning:
- $, % - define placeholder of strategy level.
- ! - define need of use grammatical correctness in relation to gender declension of linguistic elements.
- + - outlines the requirement for designating the "+" symbol as a prefix before a numerical value to indicate its positivity.
- - - outlines the requirement for designating the "-" symbol as a prefix before a numerical value to indicate its negativity.
- no symbol - establish of the standard value substitution that does not involve supplementary text processing.
In order to compile market templates correctly, it is imperative to substitute the placeholder information enclosed within curly brackets with precise values corresponding to one of the strategies.
Available strategy types:
- market;
- competitor;
- tournament;
- team member nickname;
- specifier;
Market strategy
To fill placeholders using a market strategy, it is necessary to possess knowledge of market ids.
List of available placeholders and resolve process:
- {$marketN} – replace the placeholder with the actual name of the market with id N.
Example of resolving templates of market strategy
Template, which requires resolve: {$market1}.
For this is required to replace placeholder with appropriate name of market with id 1:
{$market1} → Winner
Competitor strategy
List of available placeholders and resolve process:
- {$competiorN} - replace the placeholder with the actual name of the competitor in position N within the sports event.
- {$playerN} - replace the placeholder with the actual name of the player in position N within the sports event.
Example of resolving templates of competitor strategy
Suppose in a match play two competitors: NAVI and EHOME.
The template, which requires resolve: {$competitor1} will win in round.
For this it is required to find a competitor on position 1 in sport event and change the appropriate placeholder {$competior1} to NAVI (in this scenario).
Thus next statements represent right placeholder replacement:
{$competitor1} will win in round → NAVI will win in round
{$competitor2} will win in round → EHOME will win in round
Tournament strategy
List of available placeholders and resolve process:
- {$tournament} – replace the placeholder with the appropriate tournament name.
Example of resolving templates of tournament strategy
Suppose there is a tournament: The International.
The template, which requires resolve: In {$tournament} will win team.
For this is required to replace placeholder with tournament name:
In {$tournament} will win team. → In The International will win team.
Team member nickname strategy
List of available placeholders and resolve process:
- {$teamMemberNickname} – replace the placeholder corresponding nickname of team member within the sports event.
Example of resolving templates of team member nickname strategy
Suppose there is a team member with the nickname : Ame.
The template, which requires resolve: {$teamMemberNickname} will get rampage.
For this is required to replace placeholder with nickname of team member:
{$teamMemberNickname} will get rampage. → Ame will get rampage.
Specifier strategy
To fill placeholders using a specified strategy, it is necessary to possess knowledge of market's specifiers, so based on this information, appropriate values can be selected.
List of available placeholder specifiers and resolve process:
- {minute} – replace the placeholder with the respective minute interval utilizing the specifier "minute" .
- {halfnr} – replace the placeholder with the respective half number for the sport event utilizing the specifier "halfnr".
- {mapnr} – replace the placeholder with the respective map number for the sport event utilizing the specifier "mapnr".
- {setnr} – replace the placeholder with the respective set number for the sport event utilizing the specifier "setnr".
- {gamenr} – replace the placeholder with the respective game number for the sport event utilizing the specifier "gamenr".
- {periodnr} – replace the placeholder with the respective period number for the sport event event utilizing the specifier "periodnr".
- {quarternr} – replace the placeholder with the respective quarter number for the sport event utilizing the specifier "quarternr".
- {goalnr} – replace the placeholder with the respective number of goal for the sport event utilizing the specifier "goalnr".
- {inningnr} – replace the placeholder with the respective inning number for the sport event utilizing the specifier "inningnr".
- {overtimenr} - replace the placeholder with the respective overtime number for the sport event utilizing the specifier ”overtimenr".
- {killnr} - replace the placeholder with the respective kills number for the sport event utilizing the specifier "killnr".
- {pointnr} - replace the placeholder with the respective points number for the sport event utilizing the specifier "pointnr".
- {hcp} - replace the placeholder with the respective handicap for the sport event utilizing the specifier "hcp".
- {top} - replace the placeholder with the respective "top" value for the concrete sport event utilizing the specifier "top".
- {xth} - replace the placeholder with the respective xth value for the sport event utilizing the specifier "xth".
- {score} - replace the placeholder with the respective current score value for the sport event utilizing the specifier "score".
Example of resolving templates of team member nickname strategy
Suppose in match play two competitors: NAVI and EHOME in BO5 format (so there can be 5 maps in their game).
The template, which requires resolve for 2nd map of game: {!mapnr} map winner
For this is required to replace placeholder with map number 2 which is determined in market's specifier value "mapnr".
And also as there`s special symbol "!" in placeholder, it's required to use grammatical correctness.
In this case, it is necessary to interpret the numeric value "2" as an ordinal numeral "second, so the outcome should be presented in the form of "2nd" to accurately convey its ordinal representation.
{!mapnr} map winner → 2nd map winner
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