Managed trading services (MTS)
The MTS provides functionalities to monitor bookmaker bets and dynamically adjust the odds based on the stakes amounts. Additionally, the platform can determine whether a potential bet would violate any established restrictions.
Real-Time Bet Tracking and Feed Modification:
- The platform continuously monitors all bets placed with bookmakers.
- Odds values are adjusted dynamically according to the amounts staked.
Restriction and Compliance Check:
- Before a bet is placed, the MTS evaluates it against a set of predefined restrictions (e.g., betting limits, user eligibility).
- If the bet violates any restriction, the platform provides list of restrictions why the bet cannot be placed.
Risk Management:
- Risk managed bets are subjected to comprehensive validations.
- The platform handles all aspects of risk and limit management automatically.
API Integration:
- Each bet placement is processed in real-time through the MTS API.
- The API responds with either:
- A confirmation of successful bet placement.
- A list of restrictions that prevent the bet from being placed.
Bet Placement Workflow
- Bet Placement Request: A request is sent to the MTS API containing the bet data (e.g., stake amount, odds, player ID).
- Validation and Risk Assessment: The platform validates the bet against its internal rules and risk parameters. The system checks for any limits or restrictions that may apply to the bet or player.
- API Response:
- Successful Response: If all checks are passed, the bet is accepted and confirmed via the API.
- Error Response: If the bet violates any restriction or exceeds limits, the API returns an error with a detailed list of restirctions.
Note that the system is multi-currency, but, to integrate correctly, you have to provide the platform administrator with a full list of currencies in which bets can be accepted.
CashOut is a feature that allows an early withdrawal of funds from an active bet before the odds(selections/markets) are settled. This option is available when the player decides to settle the bet prematurely, minimizing potential losses or securing a portion of the winnings.
How CashOut Works
- Bet Placement: A player places a bet of any amount on a sport event.
- No Bet Cancellation: Once a bet is placed, it cannot be canceled. The bet remains in effect until the market settlement. However, the CashOut feature provides an alternative for early redemption.
- CashOut Option: If the player anticipates an unfavorable outcome (e.g., the bet is likely to lose), they can request a CashOut. This action allows the player to reclaim a portion of the bet amount, thereby reducing the potential loss.
CashOut Amount Calculation
The amount available for CashOut depends on the real-time change in odds during the sporting event:
- Increase in Winning Probability: If the likelihood of winning increases, the odds decrease, and the CashOut amount increases. For example, if the team on which the bet was placed is performing well, the CashOut value will be higher.
- Decrease in Winning Probability: If the likelihood of winning decreases, the odds increase, and the CashOut amount decreases. For example, if the team from the bet selection is underperforming (plays poorly/doesn't give all their best), the CashOut value will be lower.
In any case, the player, performing a cashout, guarantees the return of funds less than the winning amount, but more in case of losing the bet (to reduce the risk of losing funds in case of loss).
Current Limitations
- Available Bet Types: Currently, CashOut is only available for Single bets. Other bet types will be supported in future updates.
- CashOut Options: At present, only full CashOuts are supported, meaning the player must withdraw the entire amount offered. Partial CashOut functionality is planned for future releases.
Use Cases
- Securing Profits: The player can lock in a profit if the bet is in a favorable position, even before the event ends.
- Minimizing Losses: If the bet is unlikely to succeed, the player can withdraw a portion of the funds to mitigate potential losses.
Cash-out flow diagram
API endpoints
Detailed swagger documentation
- POST: /bets - notify the platform about a bet being placed on your side. In the response, you will get a bet object if (the bet is successful), or the list of restrictions that aren't met and (the bet's decline), or just an error object if (placing the bet failed).
- DELETE: /bets - notify the trading platform that you have declined the bet that was previously accepted by the trading bet accounting system.
- GET: /restrictions - to retrieve restrictions that can be violated when you try to place a bet with the same parameters.
- POST: /bets/{bet_id}/cash-out-orders/calculate - to calculate cash-out refund amounts for certain bets.
- POST: /bets/{bet_id}/cash-out-orders/place - notify the platform about a cash-out on the bet.
- PATCH: /bets/{bet_id}/cash-out-orders/{cash_out_order_id}/cancel - notify the platform that you have declined the cash-out that was previously accepted by the trading bet accounting system.
- POST: /bets/{bet_id}/cash-out-orders/simplified-calculate - to calculate cash-out refund amounts for certain bets. This api works identically to the regular one, but it allows you to calculate only the full cash-out and does not require additional data in the request body. All you need is the bet ID. A typical use of it is to create a cash-out for a bet in your private back office by a support manager at the request of a player